Darling Affiliates.
If you have a Pokémon related fanlisting, fansite, or tribute, feel free to drop me an e-mail at
hieica[at]yahoo.com if you wish to be my affiliate :D
The Godfather by
Destinie is a site dedicated to the villainous Giovanni. She goes as in depth as possible into his character and th emultiple versions of him in the games, anime, and manga.
I Am² by
Dubiousdisc is an amazingly designed and informative one-page dedication to Ai, a character that appeared only briefly but had a powerful and emotional story. Definitely go visit!
Master That! by
Anise is where we learn anything we possibly can about Blue (Green in the original) and his anime counterpart, Gary Oak (Ookido Shigeru). It is informative and gorgeous.
Spark Needle by
Dubiousdisc is one of my favorite sites. Dedicated to Volkner, Flint, and their relationship, it is one of the sites that inspired me to create this one. I loves it so much~